Spanish Reading Buddies Program

The program is designed to help Lower Elementary students and sophomores/juniors increase their vocabulary in Spanish, learn Hispanic traditions, develop self-esteem and social skills, and enhance their love of books and reading.
This program of cooperative learning is a great way to build community in the school and to promote reading and speaking in Spanish. Both sets of students get excited about Spanish Reading Buddies time because it’s a chance to get out of class, have fun, and make a friend. With thoughtfulness, the relationships can extend past one school year and go beyond reading books.
Reading Buddies allows younger readers to see what being fluent looks like as they have a peer model demonstrating reading skills; they can also acquire a positive role model with some intentional pairing. The older students develop social and emotional skills like patience and empathy as they work with their littler buddies, they act as mentors, and practice leadership, meanwhile the younger buddies listen to a fluent model, observe a peer model, receive one-on-one support, and build confidence.
So far this year, the students have already shared books, songs, and Christmas crafts, practicing greetings and numbers. Click here for a few photos.