Upper School » 1818 Program

1818 Program

Juniors and seniors at The Fulton School can earn college credit through St. Louis University's 1818 Program.

To qualify for the program, students must be in their junior or senior year and have a GPA of at least 3.0. The 1818 program is similar to the Advanced Placement (AP) program, but it is superior, in our view, because a student's ability to earn credit is not contingent on passing a single big assessment at the end of the year. Rather, students take a rigorous college-level course all year, and they are assessed based on their year-long performance in the class. 

Teachers must have an advanced degree to qualify to teach 1818 courses, and they are assigned SLU faculty mentors who provide oversight for their courses and who connect them with resources and professional development opportunities. This year, we are offering the following courses at the 1818 level:

Calculus I with Dr. Urbano
Political Science with Mr. Kickham

If you are interested, you can visit SLU's 1818 main page for more detailed information. For Fulton School students who wish to enroll in the 1818 Program, check out the registration. Students must sign up for 1818 courses by the deadline of September 30. Interested students should also complete an Honors form and give it to Ms. Anselm after they enroll at SLU's site

Have questions about 1818? Call Diane Loyd, Assistant Head of School, at 314-469-6622 or email [email protected]