Support TFS » One-Time or Recurring Gifts

One-Time or Recurring Gifts

One-time or recurring cash gifts are greatly appreciated. Recurring gifts help TFS with year-long planning and projections to provide the best experience for our students and their families.
    • Make a pledge.
      You can make a pledge to make now or later in the year. Email our Business Manager at [email protected]

    • Donate online with a credit card. Click here.

    • Current families can charge their school account. Email our Business Manager at [email protected] to have your donation charged to your school FACTS account.

    • Arrange monthly payments. Email our Business Manager at [email protected] to set up recurring payments.
Please make your check payable to The Fulton School. Mailing your check? Please send to: 

 The Fulton School
1100 White Road
Chesterfield, MO 63017
Please speak with a tax, legal or financial professional before making any changes to your personal situation. This information is being provided as informational material and should not be construed as a recommendation or advice.