Current Parents » Winter Weather Protocol

Winter Weather Protocol

winter weatherIn the event of inclement winter weather, our Head of School decides if school needs to be canceled.
If school is canceled or if a Late Start is called, a Parent Alert text message will be sent to all of the cell phone numbers listed in FACTS for each TFS family. Texts typically go out starting at 6 am.
We also post the closing on Facebook, Instagram, and on Channel 5 (displayed under 'T' for The Fulton School).
If we choose not to call off school and you do not feel it is safe to drive, we trust you to make the right call for your family.
When snow begins during the day we have a much trickier decision to make about whether to call early dismissal and let everyone out, or wait and bide our time until the salt and snowplows have done their jobs. Releasing the students right away is not always the safest option (but if we choose to do this, Parent Alert texts will go out via FACTS as stated above).
No matter the weather circumstance, each parent/family has to consider their vehicle, their location, and their destination, and make the decision that's best for their situation. Your child will always be excused if you need to pick them up early or bring them in late because of weather.
Questions? Please do not hesitate to call or email the office -- (314)469-6622 or [email protected].